Management Data Class
Management Data Class
Data structure that contains management data which can serve as input to a ModvegeSite simulation run.
Public fields
string The file that was read.
boolean Used to determine if management data is present or not. In the latter case, ModvegeSite will simulate management decisions automatically.
List of unique years for which data is available.
numeric Vector of length N where N is the total number of cuts read from the input file. Gives the year in which corresponding cut was made.
numeric Vector of length N giving the day of year (as an integer) on which a cut was made.
string Management intensity for "autocut". One of c("high", "middle", "low").
Method new()
Create a new ManagementData object.
ManagementData$new(management_file = NULL, years = NULL)
Method read_management()
Read management data from supplied management_file.
Method ensure_file_integrity()
Check that all required columns are present and that cut DOYs are only increasing in a given year.
Method get_management_for_year()
Extract management data for given year
This simply filters out all data not matching year and returns a list with the relevant keys.
M A list containing the keys:
- is_empty
boolean Used to determine if management data is present or not. In the latter case, ModvegeSite will simulate management decisions automatically.
- cut_years
numeric Vector of length N where N is the total number of cuts for this year, as read from the input file. Gives the year in which corresponding cut was made.
- cut_DOY
numeric Vector of length N giving the day of year (as an integer) on which a cut was made.
- intensity
string Management intensity for "autocut". One of c("high", "middle", "low").
- n_cuts
integer Number of cuts occurring in given year.
The two vectors in cut_DOY
and cut_years
differ from this object's respective fields in that only data for
selected year is present.